Chelsea Clinton Refers To Bernie Sanders As ‘President’ While Pushing Her Mom’s Campaign

Chelsea Clinton Hits The Campaign Trail For Her Mother In New Hampshire
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First, there was the accusation that Bernie Sanders wants to take healthcare away from millions of people. Now, Chelsea Clinton is going after the senator’s voting record on guns — but with one crucial mistake. She accidentally referred to her mother’s opponent as “President Sanders.”

As the New York Daily News reports, Clinton was in Minnesota on Wednesday, talking about no longer giving gun manufacturers legal immunity. She said that “President Sanders” had voted against such a measure.

Quickly realizing her gaffe, Clinton quickly corrected, “I hope not ‘President’ Sanders!”

Hey, we all make freudian slips, but this one is still indicative of how much momentum the Vermont senator has built up. Clinton only won the Iowa Caucus by 0.03, and that may or may not have been because of a coin toss. The two then got into a shouting match at Thursday’s Democratic debate, after Clinton accused Sanders of an “artful smear,” because he constantly brings up her Wall Street connections.

The content for the Democratic nomination really is a two horse race now. Everybody seems to be feeling the pressure, especially Hillary Clinton and her team, who were once shoo ins for the nomination. Now she’s nearly tied with Sanders nationwide.

(via New York Daily News)