Cynthia Nixon Laughs Off An ‘Unqualified Lesbian’ Dig From A New York Politician

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After months of speculation and teasing, former Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon officially announced her campaign for New York governor against Democratic incumbent Andrew Cuomo. Nixon did so after years of political activism and while framing herself in a campaign ad as an everyday New Yorker, one who takes the subway and knows (unlike some other New York politicians) exactly how frustrating daily mass-transit can be in the Big Apple. Unfortunately, one of Cuomo’s allies — former New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn — reacted in an unsavory way to Nixon’s candidacy.

The openly gay Quinn, who may have forgotten that a reality star is currently president of the United States, trashed Nixon as an “unqualified lesbian” while speaking with the New York Post. After the inevitable backlash began, Quinn tried to clean up her mess with a tweet while arguing that she was simply comparing Nixon to her own qualifications, which Nixon “aggressively opposed” during Quinn’s 2013 Democratic NYC major primary run against Bill de Blasio.

Nixon chose to respond in a classy way and doesn’t appear to harbor any hurt feelings over the matter. “It’s true that I never received my certificate from the Department of Lesbian Affairs,” Nixon tweeted in response (while quoting her own words at a public appearance, where she also called Trump a “sad little miserable man”) to Quinn’s dig. “Though in my defense there’s a lot of paperwork required.”

If anyone is wondering what Nixon’s former SATC co-star, Kim Cattrall, thinks of her good friend’s political ambitions, Cattrall supported Nixon’s campaign in the below tweet. Kristin David and Evan Handler also wished Nixon good luck, but we haven’t heard from Sarah Jessica Parker yet. And considering how much venom was recently exchanged between Parker and Cattrall (with the latter praising Nixon a short while later), Parker may choose to say nothing at all.

(Via New York Post)