Greenpeace Protesters Picked The Perfect Spot To Hang A Banner Outside Trump’s White House

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Early Wednesday morning, reports of unique protest near the White House began circulating on Twitter. According to a Fox News correspondent onsite, the activists were affiliated with Greenpeace and had “taken over” a crane near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, where they were “preparing to unravel a giant banner” for all to see. Sure enough, the climbers atop the 270-foot construction crane revealed a massive orange and yellow banner with the word “RESIST” in all black draped across it.

Local police told NBC News the group of Greenpeace protesters, which numbered seven climbers in total, climbed the massive crane early Wednesday morning before unfurling the banner. The placement of the 70-foot by 35-foot banner was all too perfect, as the crane’s position on the north side of the White House meant press photographer typically positioned with tourists along the south side would have no problem seeing it.

In an official statement posted to their website, Greenpeace “[called] for a sustained movement” against President Donald Trump and his administration. “The activists from around the country are still in place, calling for those who want to resist Trump’s attacks on environmental, social, economic, and educational justice to contribute to a better America,” it read.

Throughout their protest, many of the Greenpeace activists atop the crane tweeted photos and streamed live Facebook videos before and after the banner’s reveal.

Just before noon local time, the group announced they were coming down from the crane.

(Via NBC News and Greenpeace)