Could this be one of the last steps before Elizabeth Warren becomes Hillary Clinton’s pick for Vice President on the campaign trail? Just hours after President Obama formally endorsed Clinton as his pick to be the next leader of the free world, Warren has also officially endorsed the presumptive Democratic nominee for President. Whereas Obama had to politely friend zone Bernie Sanders in-person before making his endorsement public however, Warren had to do no such thing and supposedly just called him up and told him she didn’t #FeeltheBern anymore. Which, really, is the only way to truly friend zone a major presidental candidate in this day and age.
The Senator from Massachusetts has been pretty solidly #TeamHillary from the beginning of this election circus, she’s just had to hedge her bets until now in case Bernie made a miraculous comeback. Warren has already more or less served as Hillary’s mouth piece against human-GOP logo Donald Trump on Twitter and elsewhere, so she’ll fit right in as a key piece of Clinton’s camp and campaign strategy. In fact, her endorsement is just the confidence boost that Hillary supporters need after so many months of internal feuding between candidates and the question of whether she would become the nominee after all or suffer another last minute loss at the hands of a surprise candidate.
You can see Warren’s announcement on The Rachel Maddow Show below, and judge for yourself whether it will result in a major polling boost for Clinton or simply stabilize her lead.
Warren: I could be commander-in-chief#Maddow https://t.co/D0JNFbyY76
— Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) June 10, 2016
Announcing the endorsement live on MSNBC marks a change in strategy from Obama’s method of releasing a video all by himself (We’ll miss having a media savvy President.). It’s fair to say that Hillary already has a decent amount of momentum in the race, so this endorsement so soon after Obama’s will only, in Warren’s words, “be more forceful for the overall goal.” The Republican Party is calling her a sellout for supporting Hillary since some of their views don’t match up perfectly, but it’s better to be a sellout than live in a Trump-tatorship.
(Via CNN)