Hillary Clinton’s Latest Attack Ad On Trump Targets The Hypocrisy Of His Outsourced Jobs

Aside from building a wall, pretty much the crux of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is that he intends to “make America great again.” And while it remains unclear on exactly how he intends to make America “great” again, one point he’s been hammering home over and over is that he’s going to create more jobs for Americans. Which is great on paper, but unfortunately Trump’s own personal record betrays him, which is the subject of this latest attack ad from Hillary Clinton.

Following a powerful ad from last week in which the Clinton campaign essentially depicts Trump as a folk hero of white supremacists, this time they take aim at his outsourced jobs. It’s more or less common knowledge that the Republican candidate has notoriously manufactured official Donald Trump merchandise such as his line of shirts, ties, and suits outside of the United States. In fact, the ad points out, Trump has outsourced his products and jobs to 12 different countries. The message presented is resoundingly clear: “You can’t make America great again when you don’t make things in America.”

This is not the first time Clinton has criticized Trump for his outsourced jobs. Earlier this month, she did not mince words when asked about the subject by a CNN reporter, and a previous attack ad depicts a smirking, shrugging Trump when asked by Letterman where his shirt and ties are made.