Congressman Jeb Hensarling of Texas, a Republican member of the House who was once rumored to be a possible pick for Donald Trump’s treasury secretary, announced Tuesday he will retire in 2018. In a message to supporters, the House Financial Services Committee Chairman wrote, “Although service in Congress remains the greatest privilege of my life, I never intended to make it a lifetime commitment, and I have already stayed far longer than I had originally planned.”
The news comes as a surprise to many familiar with the Dallas-area representative’s career. According to Scott Wong at The Hill, Hensarling’s office told him on Monday things were “full steam ahead until something changes” when it came to the subject of running for re-election. Even so, per the congressman’s written message, it doesn’t sound like the Republican intends to skip out on his duties. “Although I will not be running for reelection, there are 14 months left in my congressional term to continue the fight for individual liberty, free enterprise, and limited constitutional government — the causes for which I remain passionate.”
Unlike fellow Republicans Bob Corker and Jeff Flake, the two senators whose combative relationship with President Trump turned vitriolic as soon as they announced their retirements, Hensarling’s relationship with the Trump administration has been quite friendly. In fact, one anonymous GOP lawmaker later told Wong, “Hensarling is very close to Pence & would be well positioned for a strong opportunity in the Trump administration.” Yet what that particular position will be, or if there’s any position at all, remains to be seen.
(Via Dallas Morning News)