Poetic justice.
After issuing his guilty plea, Michael Flynn exits courthouse to chants of “Lock him up.”pic.twitter.com/jFeXOhjQG1
— Rob Bennett (@rob_bennett) December 1, 2017
As most folks are aware by now, Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in cooperation with the Justice Department’s probe into Russian collusion. He’s further expected to testify that Trump (as president-elect) directed him to communicate with Russians, and many (including James Comey) are enjoying the fallout. In particular, no one can forget the former general’s infamous “lock her up!” chant that he led against Hillary Clinton at the Republican National Convention. So when Flynn exited the courthouse — as seen in the above ABC News video — a crowd greeted him with shouts (and some signage) of “lock him up!”
On Twitter, this is being described by some as “poetic justice,” a sentiment that follows behind a morning mashup of Flynn’s perp walk and his voice leading the “lock her up” rally cry.
I mashed up Michael Flynn's perp walk with audio of him leading a "lock her up" chant. pic.twitter.com/L1o5CjJXrQ
— Adam Smith (@asmith83) December 1, 2017
And if anyone wants to revisit the not-too-distant past again, here’s Flynn’s chant, during which he also declared, “If I did a tenth, a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail.” As they say, life happens fast.
Reminder: Flynn chanted “lock her up” at the RNC, said “If I did a tenth, a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail.” pic.twitter.com/AQY79rlzhm
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) December 1, 2017