Fans In Turbans Were Turned Away By A Security Guard At Chargers Stadium

Verinder Malhi and a group of his friends drove all the way from Fresno to San Diego to watch the Broncos-Chargers game on Sunday, but three members of his group were initially turned away because they were wearing turbans.

Despite this being pretty normal attire for Sikh men, they were told by security that they couldn’t enter in the stadium with their turbans, and even after they eventually were allowed to go in, a security supervisor told them the next time they came they would not be allowed in wearing their turbans.

To make matters worse, a fan called San Diego police to report that three men wearing turbans were messing around with a box in their car and a bomb sniffing dog was even brought in. As it turns out, the men were just putting a bag back after learning they couldn’t bring it into the stadium.

According to Malhi, the men, who practice Sikhism, were being confused with Muslims since men in both faiths wear turbans.

“Everybody kind of confusing us with the turbans, because what you see on TV is mostly the terrorists they wear turbans. But our turbans is different, our faith is different our beliefs are different.”

If you’re going to discriminate, maybe at least know who you are discriminating against first.

(Via News 10)