After spending last night taking a moment to discuss the details behind releasing the intel report that claims Donald Trump and Russia’s relationship includes “golden showers,” Seth Meyers had to play a little catch up with his latest “A Closer Look.” Meyers had missed most of the juicy discussion about Trump’s ugly, fiery press conference that included the president-elect calling Buzzfeed “garbage” before getting into a bit of a vocal match with CNN’s Jim Acosta.
Meyers covered most of the signposts from the event, including the folders that are allegedly full of blank pieces of paper, Trump joking that being a germaphobe makes the “golden showers” report false, and him telling Acosta, “you are fake news.” The latter gave Meyers a lot of joy and actually let him let his sass flag fly a bit while hoping it becomes the next “bye, Felicia” for everybody to use. I would love to tell my doctor or the IRS that they are fake news, likely around the time they’re taking everything I used to own.
Rex Tillerson also gets a closer look in this segment, putting more spotlight on his past relationship with Vladimir Putin and the humorous aspects of his testimony in front of Congress. If you don’t want to answer a question, I think Tillerson has it figured out. Play dumb at all times until you’re confronted and then just go with a mix of the truth and your lie. Seems like the perfect skill for a future Secretary of State.
(Via Late Night)