Stephen Colbert Sees A Lot Of Similarities Between Donald Trump And His Old Character

Stephen Colbert sat down with Face the Nation to chat about everyone’s favorite political subject, Donald Trump. Like much of the world, Colbert is fascinated while watching Trump soar to greater heights with each controversial statement. Colbert doesn’t agree with Trump’s politics (obviously), but he does express begrudging admiration for how Trump’s working some serious mojo. Colbert calls Trump a “Frankenstein of the idea that facts don’t matter, and only money does.”

Indeed, Trump has no issues telling folks how much money matters (he’s even reaping a tidy investment from his campaign), and the practice is working with the voting public. For better or worse, Colbert says Trump is a game changer and a richer version of the Comedy Central Colbert character:

“I’m a big fan of facts. I’m not sure they have any bearing on what a person’s popularity is because Donald Trump is like … I’m not the first person to say this, but I completely agree that he’s my old character with $10 billion. He’s completely playing on an emotional level and so beautifully. It’s one of the reasons why I can’t do that old character any more because he’s doing it better.”

Yes, it is hard to imagine a world where the Colbert character exists alongside Trump. Could they both dominate the media, or would they cancel each other out? We’ll probably never know the answer to that question.