A Woman Actually Dove Out Of An Emergency Exit As A Plane Barreled Down The Runway

Anyone who’s planning on engaging in air travel soon will not enjoy this story, so buckle up.

A YouTuber named Hampton Friedman captured the aftermath of a woman diving out of an emergency exit while a plane taxied down a Houston runway. The incident occurred during the opening moments of an United Airlines flight at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport. The clip doesn’t show the dive, but the event was confirmed by CNN, which added that the woman survived her daredevil move with non-life threatening injuries.

Police declined to press charges against the woman, who is reportedly undergoing psych evaluations. If she’d had pulled this maneuver in the air, an entire plane full of passengers could have been sucked out of the plane and perished. Just like that scene in World War Z with annoying zombies and everything.

Not only is an utterly terrifying story, but it’s also hard to comprehend. Even with the rare chance that the pro-Trump ranting passenger (who got banned for life from Delta) ended up on a United Airlines flight, there’s still no logical explanation for leaping. At least no one got seriously hurt, which is actually the most unbelievable part of this story.

(Via CNN)