Every day another joker posts a “trick” shot to YouTube, thinking their attempts at at-home video greatness are just a camera ruse away. But it’s not every day you see what could quite possibly be the greatest trick shot in history that seems — to our untrained eye — real.
Here are the specifics, which we gleaned from the video below and the YouTube description:
—He shoots it with his feet
—He does a BACKFLIP while shooting with his feet
—He does a backflip while shooting with his feet off a trampoline from 70 feet away.
—He does a backflip while shooting with his feet off a trampoline from 70 feet away while wearing a cast for A BROKEN WRIST.
And while the GIF doesn’t show it, multiple camera angles in the video pick up the full trajectory of the ball. This trick shot ain’t no joke.
Is this the greatest trick shot ever?
(Video via KDP Trick Shots; H/T BroBible)
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