Chris Pine Gets Jacked Up In This New Clip From ‘Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit’

Following in the footsteps of Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck, Chris Pine is bringing Tom Clancy’s most popular character back to the big screen with the upcoming action thriller Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. Directed by (and also co-starring) Kenneth Branagh, the film is a strange fit for the typically awful box office month of January, but the star-studded cast (Kevin Costner and Keira Knightley are also along for the ride) pretty much ensures that this will be 2014’s first blockbuster.

In this new 4-minute clip for Shadow Recruit, Jack Ryan has some difficulty with the hotel staff, as in this huge dude tries to fill him with more lead than something that has a lot of lead, while Pine is like, “I’m Captain Kirk, bitch.”