While he’s been doing fine work with music docs, Cameron Crowe’s last two relationshippy comedies, the kind of movies that made his name, didn’t get much love – 2011’s We Bought a Zoo and 2005’s Elizabethtown. Now it sounds like he’s trying to Blue Jasmine his way back to relevance again with a star-studded new movie that just picked up everyone’s favorites Bill Murray and Brad Cooper, adding to a cast that includes Emma Stone, Rachel McAdams, Danny McBride, Alec Baldwin, Jay Baruchel and Edi Gathegi. That last one is the black guy who died first in X-Men First Class, in case you were wondering. Probably keep your head on a swivel for this one too, guy.
Bill Murray is eyeing a role in Cameron Crowe’s untitled romantic comedy for Sony, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.
Bradley Cooper is set to star in the movie as a defense contractor who falls for an Air Force pilot (Emma Stone) after he’s assigned to oversee the launch of a weapons satellite from Hawaii. The two then team up to put a stop to the launch.
Ah, Hollywood, where 38-year-old dudes regularly fall in love with hot, 24-year-old pilots. You think Rachel McAdams is the love interest of Bill Murray or Alec Baldwin? I wouldn’t be surprised. Next time I get busted for statutory, I’m telling the judge “Sorry, man, I just really like movies.”
The movie doesn’t have a title yet, by the way. Is “Failure to Launch” taken?
You ever notice that the further along writers and actors get in the careers, the more apt they are to do rom-coms that happen to be set in Hawaii and Tahiti and the Caribbean? Hmm, I wonder what could explain this phenomenon…