You ever get to the end of the week and think, Hey, I forgot to post the Frotcast! Probably not, seeing as how I’m the only one who posts Frotcast, but I was simply trying to get you to see it from my perspective. In any case, it was a great ‘cast and you should definitely listen and tell all your friends about it. Especially pretty girls.
Listen on the player above, or download as an mp3 here (right click, save as).
This week on the Frotcast, comedian Matt Lieb is back in the Frotquarters, doing impressions of dead British men and freestyling to the song composed entirely out of Jeff Goldblum’s creepy laugh. The & friends gang talk about the Oscars, including the various 12 Years A Slave controversies, and we listen to Steven Seagal’s latest assessment of Russia and their policy towards the Ukraine. Bret, Vince, and Matt all saw Fruitvale Station, so we talk about that and the nature of “based on a true story” movies in general. We wrap things up by talking about True Detective, and the basic suicide theories going around.
Enjoy, and remember, if you don’t tell your friends about the Frotcast, you’re not a real fan of the Frotcast.
In addition to FilmDrunk, you can always find the Frotcast at (even though Podbean sucks),, and at Stitcher, where you can stream to your iPhone or Android device, no downloadin’ required (and they usually update pretty punctually).
Additionally, you can catch us on Mutiny Radio every Wednesday!
Thanks as always for your shares and reviews! Our only reward for this is more listeners and your voicemails and emails, so keep ’em comin!, 415 275 0030. @automatikben, @Lieb123456789, @FilmDrunk, @PossumGraveyard.