Han Solo Making Dad Jokes Is The Meme Even A Bratty Emo Kid Should Love

One great thing about Star Wars: The Force Awakens is all of the opportunities it affords us to make jokes, particularly at the expense of the tantrum-throwing emo Kylo Ren. And the newest meme imagines Han Solo making dad jokes, to his son’s exasperation. Yes, these memes contain a depressing spoiler. No, you don’t still get to complain about spoilers for one of the highest-grossing movies of all time that’s also been out for months. Does anyone not know Kylo Ren is Ben Solo and kills his absentee father in a gut-punch of a scene at the end?

We should have seen this meme coming. Back when we wrote about Harrison Ford’s injury saving Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we posted this joke:

But there were a lot more Han Solo dad jokes to come, as if millions of voices cried out “Hi ‘being torn apart’, I’m dad” and were suddenly silenced. Now Imgur member I Like Beards has made a full set of Han Solo dad jokes, starting with one we’ve all heard before:

We also heard Kylo Ren is shredded, but Han Solo doesn’t agree.

And it just keeps getting sillier from there:

(Via Imgur and Geeks Are Sexy)