Here Is ‘Home Alone’ Retold By Pug Puppies

While reading my UPROXXian colleague Joel Stice’s piece about Home Alone the other day, I got to thinking, “Hey, it’s been a long time since I’ve watched that movie, and I still can’t believe that Macaulay Culkin landed Mila Kunis when he was in his strung out phase.” But I didn’t feel like actually watching the movie again, and all I wanted was for someone to give me an abbreviated version of Home Alone that perhaps features baby animals instead of human actors.

Lo and behold, The Pet Collective heard my cry for help and made this ultra-adorable video of pug puppies sort of reenacting Home Alone. It’s far better than my remake of World War Z that featured only roadkill.

(H/T to Hypervocal)