James Franco released the trailer for his possible web series, Undergrads, cryptically and with little fanfare on JamesFrancoTV, so it’s a little hard to tell yet just how much and how deeply we’re being dicknosed. What we do know is that there’s a trailer, which Franco introduced by saying “My new show #UNDERGRADS.”
The trailer says it plays Thursdays at 8pm (on the web, presumably), and it shows college kids drinking and getting laid, and talking about drinking and getting laid, set to montage editing and pop music. Basically, every show on MTV. But knowing James Franco, it will probably also be a proto-meta, hyper-autobiographical pseudo-meditation on the very nature of self-referentiality, invoking interrelational aestheticism and an inclusion of the viewer vis a vis the viewed in a Nicolas Bourriaudian cross examination of patriarchal subjectivity. But I mean, that’s just a guess.
Did anyone else notice that the college kids profiled were named Colin, Keelin, Paley, and Claire? They need a couple more names in there, just to really fill their quota of precious, upper-middle-class white person names. I think “Caley, Paley, Colin, Keelin, Brody, Cody, and Claire,” has a nice ring to it. They could probably form a ukulele troupe and open for Florence and the Machine at the Take Back the Night Rally. God, I hate college kids. And yet I think I could achieve orgasm just from smelling one’s hair. ‘Tis a paradox.
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