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This week on the Frotcast, we’ve got comedian Jeff May from Tom & Jeff Watch Batman on to discuss Justice League, which we finally made it all the way through after falling asleep two or three times. Worth it? (It’s currently free on HBO). We also discuss James Gunn getting fired by Disney thanks to a letter writing campaign organized by an accused rapist, and the Georgia Assemblyman who resigned after Sacha Baron Cohen tricked him into shouting the N-word and being incredibly racist 16 or 17 times. That Cohen, such a trickster. Also best wishes to overdosee Demi Lovato from ex-heroin addict Matt Lieb. Eat the rich, eat that butt. Much love and Frot on, donate at Patreon.com/Frotcast.
Sacha Baron Cohen talk begins around minute 15.
Justice League talk begins around 42 minutes.
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