The Pope Blessed Russell Crowe, Just Not His Movie

Russell Crowe has been lobbying tirelessly for the Pope to watch his Noah movie. He sent a screening invite on Twitter, and Paramount, after adding a disclaimer to all their marketing, even tried to set up a private meeting between Crowe, Noah director Darren Aronofsky, and Pope Francis. All in the hopes of convincing the church-going public that a ticket to Noah is a ticket to Heaven.

While the Pope turned down the screening invite and private audience, the Vatican did give Crowe and Aronofsky VIP tickets to today’s Pope concert.

The Vatican’s chief spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, quashed both ideas; he said Francis would not watch the film and Crowe would not be granted a private audience.

But Crowe, along with director Darren Aronofsky and some studio officials, were in the invitation-only section of St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday, where they reportedly met the pope briefly and received a blessing.

Ooh, I hope they also got a gift basket and signed headshot!

“Pope Francis’ comments on stewardship and our responsibility in the natural world are inspirational,” Aronofsky, who was nominated for an Oscar four years ago for “Black Swan,” said via social media. “When the opportunity to hear him speak (arose) … I couldn’t miss the chance to listen and learn.” [HuffingtonPost]

Crowe also tweeted:

He also has two tweets with some priests and nuns “backstage” at the Vatican to whom he refers as “the lads” and “the girls,” respectively.

I wish Noah didn’t come out for another two years and every day brought us a new juxtaposition of Russell Crowe and Catholicism until then, because I can’t get enough of it. I like that he tags the Pope in all his tweets. Do you think the Pope followed back? I’d like to think Pope Francis followed back, and that eventually Russell Crowe will accidentally DM him a dick pic. “Oi, mate, sorry about me Jap’s eye lol. Intended for someone else, you understand. ;-) -Russ.”