Voltaire once wrote “anything that is too stupid to be said is sung,” which is why nowadays, with just a modicum of elbow grease and jazz hands, one can turn virtually anything into a musical, be it Legally Blonde or a family of cats. Therefore, it should come as a surprise to no one that some kids at Emerson have turned the cult-classic-that-hardly-anyone-actually-saw The Human Centipede into a musical. Why not, right? It’s already been a porno, a tattoo, a cat toy, a necklace… And anyway, watching student-run musical theater was already a lot like putting your mouth over someone’s assh-le as it is. (I dated a theater major, trust me on this one).
You can watch all seven parts of it, broken into 10-minute chunks, after the jump. It looks reasonably funny from what I saw, but I didn’t watch the whole thing. Come on, I’m a professional blogger, I don’t have that kind of time. (*chokes on irony*) (*chokes on Hot Pocket*)
[thanks to CentipedeMusical via The DailyWhat]