Find Out What Happens Between The Explosions In The ‘Just Cause 3’ Story Trailer

Up until this point, most of the trailers for Just Cause 3 have focused on the explosions and destruction. Hell, we’ve been running an explosion-focused Chaos Countdown over the past couple weeks. But Just Cause 3 isn’t just about blowing things up! No, there’s apparently a story wedged in the game someplace, too!

The story trailer for Just Cause 3 reintroduces us to series protagonist Rico Rodriguez, who leaves the shadowy Agency to return to his home island of Medici. Unfortunately the idyllic Mediterranean island is under the thumb of General Di Ravello, which nobody’s happy about because the Medici is basically made of bavarium, a magical, probably explosive, fuel source the whole world wants. So, it’s up to you to blow up General Ravello’s stuff, while outfoxing the folks who will want to take advantage of the island’s resources.

This trailer was actually the first time I’d heard what Rico sounds like in Just Cause 3. I wasn’t even sure if it was the same character from past Just Cause games! When I said this game’s marketing has been very explosion-heavy, I wasn’t kidding. Not that there’s anything wrong with explosions. There’s a bunch more in this trailer! Explosions! Just Cause 3 bursts onto shelves December 1.

(via VG 24/7)