Crystal McCahill is a Playboy Playmate of the Month who is also the daughter of a Playboy Playmate of the Month. We’ll pause for a moment to nod and pretend this is new information for all of us. McCahill has been cast in a not-yet-announced role in Robert Rodriguez’ Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. Bleeding Cool tipped us to messages and pictures she’s been posting from the set.
First, Crystal McCahill posted the cryptic message, “What a fun day shooting! Can’t wait to say what it was for! But I have too.” Yeah, we’re not sure what, “But I have too” is supposed to mean either. But we did get some pictures and more information later, when she tweeted that she was getting ready for a scene with Mickey Rourke in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. We still don’t know who she’s playing. Probably not a part as big as Ava Lord, but also something substantial enough to be given a trailer on set, as pictured below.
Pics of Mickey Rourke talking to a parrot or it didn’t happen.