Cholesterol Drugs May Tire You Out

Americans, not notable for our ability to get on a treadmill and stop eating UltraBurgers with twelve kinds of cheese for breakfast, have been snarfing statins left and right. Statins, which lower cholesterol, have thus saved countless lives.

Unfortunately, they’ve also been shown to make you more likely to be confused and have short-term memory problems. And now they may be wearing you out.

A study shows that statin users are more likely to report fatigue after exercising than those assigned to a placebo. Even worse, they were on tiny doses of the drug, not the usual doses people consume.

So, basically, get off your fat hinder, get on a treadmill, and eat a carrot, or to survive you’ll have to take drugs that make you more tired and stupid than a Jay Leno monologue.

Gamma Squad: Making America Healthy Through Pop Culture References and Verbal Abuse.

image courtesy njh on Flickr