Pokémon Versions Of NBA Logos Are Super Effective

We’ve been #BLESSED with some interesting fan art mashups of NFL logos lately, including our own David Rappoccio’s hipster NFL logos and his fat NFL logos. We also enjoyed John Raya’s Star Wars NFL helmets. But what about NBA logos? When are they going to get an inexplicable mashup? THE INTERNET IS CALLING OUT FOR INEXPLICABLE MASHUPS.

Thankfully Micah Coles is here to mashup current and former NBA teams with first generation Pokémon. People have been asking him to put these designs on T-shirts, but he’s already kiboshed that idea (to avoid being sued). He does say he plans on uploading some of the pictures in higher quality so people can make a not-for-profit shirt themselves. Gotta print them all.

Our favorite Pokémon NBA teams are collected here. All pictures come courtesy of Micah Coles, and you can check out the rest of his work over there. Thanks to Unreality for the assist.

Sidenote: Today I learned that I recognize far more Pokémon than NBA logos. GRRR, SPORTS. Put the thing through the other thing. Win the points. We did it!

Cleveland Cavaliers (Graveler)

Minnesota Timberwolves (Raticate)

Los Angeles Lakers (Gengar)

Seattle Sonics (Onix)

Toronto Raptors (Charmeleon)

Boston Celtics (Bulbasaur)

Philadelphia 76ers (Ninetales)

Utah Jazz (Dogas and Matadogas)

Detroit Pistons (Pinsirs)

New Orleans Pelicans (Fearow)

Milwaukee Bucks (Golbat)

Golden State Warriors (Wartortle)

Denver Nuggets (Dugtrio)

Atlanta Hawks (Zapdos)

San Antonio Spurs (Bellsprout)

Phoenix Suns (Weedle)

Dallas Mavericks (Rapidash)

Chicago Bulls (Tauros)

Houston Rockets (Team Rocket)