The NHL Has Superheroes? Created By Stan Lee?

First off, hey, Canada finally has some more superheroes that look like they don’t suck. Canada should send Stan Lee a nice fruit basket or something? Secondly, when did hockey teams have superheroes? Written by Stan Lee? What the…?!
Apparently it’s all part of the NHL’s plan to actually matter again, and to appeal to kids. The Guardian Project has Lee turning each team name into a superhero. Which is a pretty awkward naming scheme actually (criminals fear…The Canadien!), but, hell, they can’t all be gems. Sports blog Puck Daddy has a fairly in-depth look at how this project came to pass which is actually pretty interesting, and also mentions how this was nearly the second coming of NFLPro.
Images of all of these would-be kid bait on the next slide.
(And special thanks to Jeremy for pointing us towards these.)

The only truly awful character to us would be the Oiler, who sounds vaguely obscene. But otherwise, these don’t all suck, which is kinda a miracle.