Did William Shatner Tease His ‘Star Trek 3’ Cameo?

Star Trek: Into Darkness failed to excite audiences and disappointed at the box office, but producer J.J. Abrams might have a trick up his sleeve for the next Star Trek film: Captain James Kirk himself.

On Monday, William Shatner teased mysteriously on his Twitter account, “I’m baaaaccckk!!!” The news was quickly picked up by The Hollywood Reporter. Just as quickly, the tweet disappeared from Shatner’s Twitter account, replaced by a demand that The Hollywood Reporter “correct this.”

According to Badass Digest, there is a cameo written for Shatner in Star Trek 3, but it was not confirmed if he had agreed to appear in the film. If he signs on for the film, Star Trek 3 will be his first appearance in a Star Trek film since 1994’s Star Trek: Generations and the second cast member from the original TV show to make an appearance since the 2009 reboot. Leonard Nimoy has appeared as Spock in both of Abrams’ Star Trek films, Star Trek and Star Trek: Into Darkness.

Trekkies might be excited about seeing the original Captain Kirk back on-screen, but considering that his last appearance was Star Trek: Generations, I’m not setting my expectations too high. Of course after his abysmal death in Star Trek: Generations, maybe there is nowhere to go but up.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter