Before Instagram and Twitter, celebrities had to settle for taking private photos of their antics on set. But now, over three decades after the fact, Star Wars fans are getting new insight into Mark Hamill”s time while filming “Return of the Jedi.”
During the recent Star Wars Celebration, Hamill talked about unearthing photos taken while his wife Marilou and son Nathan visited him at work. Wonderful person that she is, Mrs. Hamill then sent the album to to share with the world.
Most of the images are adorable family shots. This one with Yoda giving young Nathan some serious side-eye (as puppeteer Frank Oz hides behind Mark Hamill).
The whole family posed for a Sears Family Portrait with a group of Ewoks.
But perhaps the best photo of the bunch is of Hamill goofing off on the Emperor”s Throne. This is the stuff AU fanfic is made of!
Head over to to see the full album!