Like a Vampire Slayer, into each generation is born a new version of the Power Rangers. This time around, the powers-that-be are revamping the original Rangers, including their nemesis Rita Repulsa. But today”s kids just can”t take a villainess seriously if she”s wearing outlandish headgear…
Image Credit: Disney
…and isn”t named Maleficent. No. Today”s kids need their Rita Repulsa to be wearing Poison Ivy”s cast offs from her last trip to the Renaissance Faire. As first seen on EW, Elizabeth Banks is playing a light BDSM version of the galactic conqueror. Do you think she gets cold on the moon?
When speaking to PEOPLE, Banks tried to explain her character”s new look.
“It”s definitely a modern and edgy re-imagining of the original Rita Repulsa.”
Mission accomplished? It”s not Banks” fault she”s dressed like this. You could argue she shouldn”t even be IN this role, as Hollywood continues to whitewash Asian characters out of existence. But regardless of who plays Repulsa, who is this costume aimed at? Why does it look like the porn parody version of her costume? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?