Don’t worry, Russo brothers: There will be no Avengers: Endgame spoilers in this post. But we can say this: It has a lot of emotional moments. Fans — and critics — have confessed to sobbing during numerous parts of the new MCU epic, over events we will respectfully refrain from mentioning. Indeed, one woman cried so much she reportedly wound up in the hospital.
According to The International News, in a story picked up by Fox 8 in Cleveland, a 21-year-old woman in China was so overwhelmed by the sequel to last year’s Avengers: Infinity War that she began showing signs of hyperventilating. She was rushed to the hospital, where she was given oxygen. She has since recovered.
Again, even critics have confessed they’ve found the Marvel monster moving. In his (also spoiler-free) review, Uproxx critic Mike Ryan admitted the initial stretch of the film, in which the characters deal with the aftermath of Thanos’ infamous “snap,” was a bit “depressing,” and that overall he “got more emotional” than he thought he would, concussing that it was a bittersweet experience.
Since opening Thursday night, Avengers: Endgame has already had its share of wild stories. Earlier today it was reported that a man in Hong Kong was allegedly beaten up after loudly discussing spoilers as he exited the theater.
(Via Fox 8 and The International News)