Chadwick Boseman Surprising Thankful Fans Of ‘Black Panther’ Is As Heartwarming As Can Be

It’s a simple concept and Jimmy Fallon has made this happen before with Michelle Obama, but there’s just something special about this “surprise” segment with Chadwick Boseman. It features fans of Black Panther stopping in to record a special thank you for the actor and those who made the movie, with Boseman then stepping out to surprise them. And that’s good enough to make the video, but their words and comments about what the film means to them really push it over the cliff.

From start to finish, each of the folks that pop in to record a message show that Black Panther is more than just another Marvel movie for them. And as one man points out, it’s more than just another black film too. It’s a superhero blockbuster film that features people that look the same way he does, which is important.

The best reaction probably comes from a mother and her son. She notes that her son’s heroes to this point in her life have been Barack Obama and now Black Panther, some praise that is almost too big for Boseman to handle. But it’s the kid’s reaction when he reveals himself from behind the curtain with Jimmy Fallon that sells it:


(Via The Tonight Show)