So George Lucas compared Disney to white slavers the other day

George Lucas is continuing to make his feelings about Disney's version of his “Star Wars” legacy known, telling Charlie Rose in a recent interview that not being involved with the new films felt like a break up, that the first six films are like his kids, and, oh yeah, that he sold them off to “white slavers.”

Yes, that's right! Lucas compared Disney, which brought Lucasfilm (and therefore the rights to “Star Wars”) for $4 billion in 2012, to slavers. White slavers. 

“It's a very, very hard thing to do,” said Lucas, who did that very, very hard thing for $4 billion. “I sold them to the white slavers who take these things and … (giggles).”

Rose didn't see fit to ask a follow-up, and Lucas wisely moved on. 

Of course, this isn't the first time Lucas has expressed some displeasure with “The Force Awakens,” even as he says he's totally cool with not being involved and that he's sure the fans will love the film (even if he almost certainly doesn't).

It's a shame that Lucas isn't happy with where the franchise is now. Of course, he could've avoided this if he hadn't sold it to those “white slavers” for $4 billion in the first place.