It’s never too early, as SAG sets next season’s awards dates

Hey, who's ready to talk about the next awards season? No, me neither. But the Screen Actors' Guild is — at least notionally — as they've followed other guilds by announcing their 2014/15 awards dates. Mark your diaries, if you're so inclined.

The most notable takeaway from the next SAG schedule is that the second phase of voting will be a bit longer than it was this year. While the nominations will be announced on December 10 (only one day earlier than last year's reveal), the ceremony itself will be a full week later than the last one — January 25, 2015 and opposed to January 18 this year. That's a Sunday rather than a Saturday this time.

Once again, the SAGs will share a weekend with the Producers' Guild Awards, which will take place on January 24 — they've simply swapped which goes first. The Director's Guild Awards, meanwhile, will take place a whole fortnight later, on February 7. The next weekend is the BAFTAs' turn: they've been set for February 15.

With the Oscars, in contrast, taking place significantly early than this year's Winter Olympics-delayed ceremony — they've been set for February 22 — that means next season will feature considerable less of a lull between key precursors and Oscar Night itself. That should make for a more balanced, less wearying season, at least; I'll leave others to wonder what (if anything) any of it means in terms of voter influence.

Here are some of the more signficant SAG dates:

Friday, March 14, 2014
Nominating Committees Drawn by Random Sample

Monday, July 7, 2014
Submissions Open at

Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014
Submissions Close at 5 p.m. PT at

Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014
Nominations Ballots Mailed

Monday Dec. 8, 2014
Nomination Ballots Due at the Elections Firm by 12 Noon p.m. PT

Monday, Dec. 8, 2014
Records Pulled for Final Balloting

Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014
Nominations Announced at 6 a.m. PT

Monday, Dec. 16, 2014
Final Voting Information Mailed to Members

Monday, Jan. 5, 2015
Publicists Ceremony Credential Applications Close

Friday, Jan. 23, 2015
Final Votes Must be Cast Online or Ballots Received by the Elections Firm by 12 Noon PT

Sunday, Jan. 25, 2015
21st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards