Despite what has been reported in the past, it would seem that the next film in the Cloverfield series won’t be the rumored Overlord. The supernatural World War II sci-fi film is set to hit theaters in October, but J.J. Abrams announced that it was not a Cloverfield film during his brief video appearance at CinemaCon. Instead, the Star Wars director teased that another sequel to the series will be coming soon enough according to Deadline:
“It’s not a Cloverfield movie” but one “is in the works for theaters.”
That would mean part of the previous reports were true and Netflix wasn’t guaranteed the next entry in the franchise due to their release of The Cloverfield Paradox. It does leave Overlord out in the open, though. But judging from the description of the footage shown on hand, it doesn’t need Cloverfield to stay afloat. There is plenty to mess around with:
He introduced the first footage from the film that follows American paratroopers who, on the eve of D-Day, are dropped behind enemy lines on a critical mission, and begin to realize there is more going on in this Nazi-occupied village than a simple military operation.
“You are about to embark upon a great crusade. You will bring about the destruction of the German army. The eyes of the world are upon you,” a narrator says as the video opens with a shot of the paratroopers on a plane. Cut to a montage of jump scare images including a French talking disembodied head.
If Wolfenstein and Indiana Jones have taught us anything, it is hard to go against Nazis and the supernatural when it comes to stories. It might be an exhausted enemy but you at least know what you’re getting yourself into. The film will have Game Of Thrones actors Jacob Anderson and Pilou Asbaek, 22 Jump Street‘s Wyatt Russell, Fences actor Jovan Adepo, Agents Of SHIELD mainstay Iain De Caestecker, The Big Short‘s John Magaro, and Bokeem Woodbine from just about everything. It’s a solid cast, so hopefully, it is a solid, scary movie this fall. It won’t have to worry about any Cloverfield monsters at this point, unless this is all some swerve by Abrams and the Bad Robot team. The Vince Russo of Film.