New ‘Skyfall’ photo shows Ben Whishaw as James Bond’s gadget master Q

Bond has a new Q.

One of the new additions to the James Bond universe in the upcoming “Skyfall,” Ben Whishaw (“I”m Not There”) plus the latest iteration of 007’s gadget master Q. And director Sam Mendes just released a photo on the official Bond site.

Take a look at him here:

He looks sufficiently nerdy and bookish, but Whishaw also looks much more “hip” than Q has previously been. It fits with the sleeker, re-energized new films that began with the “Casino Royale” reboot. Bond himself, Daniel Craig, looks on in the background. Does he approve? 

Q was played by Desmond Llewelyn for over thirty years — and several Bonds including Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan. He first appeared in 1963’s “From Russia With Love,” and retired in 1999’s “The World is Not Enough.” John Cleese, who was introduced in the latter film, took over the role for “Die Another Day.” 

“Skyfall” also stars Javier Bardem, Bérénice Marlohe, Judi Dench, Naomie Harris, Helen McCroy, Albert Finney, and Ralph Fiennes.

Skyfall will be released November 9.