Recently Academy president Hawk Koch made his mark on the 2014 Oscar ceremony, despite the fact that he’s only serving one year in the position and probably shouldn’t be making decisions on the next Academy Awards, by tapping producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron to come back on board. Citing a need to maintain “consistency,” Koch sang the producers’ praises, despite the production being criticized for tastelessness in many quarters.
If consistency is what they’re after then it only stands to reason that Zadan and Meron would like to bring host Seth MacFarlane back on board. But that’ll never happen, right? From the horse’s mouth, MacFarlane said “no way” when asked if he would ever come back to emcee the show. Well, not so fast…
Just Jared is reporting that Zadan and Meron have already made an overture to MacFarlane. “After defending his performance, the producers reached out to Seth and invited him back to host the show again,” the outlet’s source says. “He”s not sure if he”s going to do it, but he has to decide within the next couple of weeks.”
Take that as you will but I kind of doubt MacFarlane would want to come back for another bloodbath. I can only imagine his stern “no way” was partly due to the response. Obviously they’re trying to duplicate the magic of a ratings boost last year, but I say again, if you don’t think the ratings had mostly to do with the movies, you’re just kind of bone-headed.
Anyway, who should host? It’s the age-old question. And presumably the producers are trying to answer that very question lately. Tell us in the comments section. (And for a refresher, check out a few suggestions from last year’s query.)