Roundup: Philomena’s audience with the Pope

Last I heard, Pope Francis is not an Academy voter, though at a time in the season where every headline opportunity counts, an appointment with him can’t hurt. Oscar-nominated “Philomena” star/writer Steve Coogan and the film’s real-life subject, Philomena Lee, met with His Holiness yesterday — obviously not to promote the film (though there are reports of a screening being scheduled at the Vatican), but to campaign for the release of 60,000 adoption files held by the state and Church in Ireland. Lee says, “As the film portrays, I have always put great faith in the church and the good will to put the wrongs of the past right. I hope and believe that his Holiness Pope Francis joins me in the fight to help the thousands of mothers and children who need closure on their own stories.”   [BBC News]

Tim Gray separates the active campaigners from the low-fliers among this year’s acting nominees. [Variety]

A day in the life — wait, make that two days in the life — of David O. Russell. [Hollywood Reporter]

Matt Singer on how social media is shutting down more movie-related conversation than it nurtures. [The Dissolve]

Meet the two British film school graduates who hustled their way to a short film Oscar nod. [Daily Beast]

Nathaniel Rogers offers a detailed breakdown of the beautiful people on this year’s Vanity Fair Hollywood Issue cover. [The Film Experience]

Composer Steven Price discusses some of his scoring decisions for “Gravity.” (I had no idea that was Lisa Hannigan’s voice in there.) [New York Times]

Noah Gittell believes “urban critics” have done Jason Reitman’s “Labor Day” a disservice. [Movie Mezzanine]

George Clooney reveals his plans for revenge on Tina Fey and Amy Poehler for their Golden Globe jibes. [Vanity Fair]