CBS has announced the cast for the 27th installment of “Survivor,” the “Blood vs. Water” season featuring 10 returning castaways playing against 10 of their loved ones.
“Survivor: Blood vs. Water” will begin its season with a 90-minute premiere on Wednesday, September 18 with a cast that includes former winners Tina Wesson and Aras Baskauskas, Fan Favorite winner Rupert Boneham (in his fourth appearance) and, oddly, “Big Brother” winner Hayden Moss, who happens to be dating “Survivor: One World” veteran Kat Edorsson.
In addition to “Survivor” lifer Rupert and “All-Stars” first-out Tina, multiple-returnees also include Tyson Apostol and Candice Cody, while if there’s an opposite of a “fan favorite,” we’ll get to welcome back medically evacuated Colton Cumbie, with his fiance.
Check out the 20 “Survivor: Blood vs. Water” castaways below: