War Dogs! The Ultimate War Dog Gallery

Ever since the news got out yesterday that a War Dog helped to bring down Osama Bin Laden, the internet has been in a full-blown War Dog tizzy, captivated by its badass charms. And no wonder — just look at the War Dog in the above photo from the Defense Department taken by Tech. Sgt. Manuel J. Martinez of the Air Force. It’s leaping out of a freaking Chinook helicopter!

So in honor of War Dogs past and present, I put together a little War Dog gallery. Enjoy…

War dogs are often outfitted with “Doggles,” a product I wrote something about for Yahoo a while back.

This War Dog named Stubby served with the 102nd Infantry, 26th Division during World War I. Believed to be part Boston terrier and part pit bull, he fought in the trenches in France for 18 months and participated in four offensives and 17 battles. According to Wikipedia, he was “the most decorated war dog of World War I and the only dog to be promoted to sergeant through combat.” Sgt. Stubby was such a force, he was invited to visit President Coolidge in the White House in November 1924


War Dogs are all-terrain soldiers.

via the Army’s Flickr feed

When a War Dog is killed in action, it receives a proper funeral.

(via Flickr)

You do not want to f*ck with a War Dog at night!


The military used War Dogs in World War II to sniff the enemy out of foxholes.


War Dogs could totally make jumps on their own, but it’s comforting to the soldiers to do tandem jumps.


In addition to German shepherds, Dobermans are also a popular breed of War Dogs. This one keeps watch while his Marine handler sleeps.


You don’t want none of this, son!


War Dogs need medics too.


War Dog always has our back.


A War Dog monument was erected at American Legion Post 114 in Barrington, NH.


Is there any doubt that Bin Laden crapped his pants before he died?

(via Air Force Flickr)

War Dog doesn’t give a sh*t about your chemical weapons!


During WWII, the British military favored English bulldogs as their fighting companions.


The best thing about a War Dog is that he’ll lick your face at the end of every day.


Just because.

When asked, “What have you done for America lately?”, cats said, “Um, well, we’re knitting you something REALLY nice.”
