Well Somebody Had To Start An Osama Bin Laden TV-Watching Meme!

On Saturday, U.S. intelligence officials released a few videos captured during the raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound last weekend, utterly unremarkable videos that show little more than Bin Laden bumming around at his crib, just like you or I would.
But there’s one clip of him watching television on his couch with a blanket draped over his shoulder, the still shot of which — with the remote pointed toward the television — is just begging to be turned into a meme. So I went ahead and played around with one and made a quick slideshow I’m calling, “Osama Been Watchin'”.
The rest are after the jump. Enjoy…

And our pal Vince over at Film Drunk offered up this photoshop job as his own contribution to the “Osama Been Watchin'” meme.