Ann Coulter’s Latest Attack On Alicia Machado Went Too Far, Even For Sean Hannity

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It seems as though Ann Coulter is clearly feeling better, having recovered from her mystery ailment last week, because during an appearance on Sean Hannity’s radio show Thursday night the conservative troll was firing on all cylinders. While ranting about Hillary Clinton’s campaign tactics, Coulter referred to former Miss Universe Alicia Machado as the “Hispanic mattress girl,” referencing Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University student who made headlines in 2014 for carrying a 50-pound mattress around with her on campus to protest the university refusing to punish her rapist.

Accusing Machado of being an accomplice to murder in her home country of Venezuela and having an “anchor baby” to gain United States citizenship, Coulter said, “that’s the poster child for our immigration policy. They looked and they looked, they’ve had a year. What are we going to bring in? We need, you know, the most sympathetic case and that’s the one they come up with, it’s Alicia Machado. The new Hispanic mattress girl.”

When Hannity what Coulter meant by this term, she elaborated. “Oh, remember the whole hysteria over mattress girl at Columbia? I just mean she’s, you know, it’s like an ‘it girl’ except it’s mattress girl.” This was too much even for Hannity, who responded, “Oh good grief. I am not responsible if this is obscene in some way and I don’t even know what you’re referring — I’m just asking?”

Charming. If even Sean Hannity wants to walk back from her remarks, that’s really saying something. You can listen to the clip below.

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