There are times when less is more, when saying nothing — or the bare minimum — would suffice and then some. And it seems that our former president, Bill Clinton, may be at least temporarily unaware of such concepts.
Clinton, who may well be back in the White House as the First Man in a matter of months, has been on the campaign trail for his wife, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, stumping throughout the race. He’s said some… questionable things. Things that maybe you might want to think twice before you allow them to be emitted from your mouth. Things that could make people really annoyed. Things like what he said to NBC News regarding younger supporters of Hillary’s opponent in the Democratic primary, Bernie Sanders, on Friday.
“I think it’s fine that all these young students have been so enthusiastic for her opponent, and it sounds so good, just shoot every third person on Wall Street and everything will be fine.”
Oy. Okay, before we go any further, we should point out that Clinton made sure to tell NBC’s Brad Jaffy that his remark was “a joke, a total joke.” That’s cool, I guess, maybe. But Bill. Buddy. Jokes about shooting people aren’t really funny, especially in this day and age of mass shootings happening so frequently. And given how impressionable so so many people have proven to be when it comes to what the candidates and their surrogates are saying during this election cycle (see: Trump, Donald), those kinds of off the cuff comments probably do more harm than not.
Clinton’s mouth gets him in hot water pretty much once a week at this stage, with last week’s public scolding and finger-wagging at a group of Black Lives Matter protestors making headlines all over the place. As Ron Burgandy and Brian Fantana once told Champ Kind…
(via The Daily Beast, Gawker)