Elizabeth Warren Sends A Message To Donald Trump: ‘Nasty Women Vote’

On Monday, Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren appeared with Hillary Clinton at a campaign rally in Manchester, New Hampshire. Warren has long been a vocal critic of Donald Trump, often castigating him on Twitter and openly mocking him during speeches. This time, the Democratic attack dog used Trump’s own words to smite him. Trump “disrespects — aggressively disrespects — more than half the human beings in the country,” Warren said. She continued:

“I’ve got news for you, Donald Trump. Women have had it with guys like you. And ‘nasty women‘ have really had it with guys like you. Get this, Donald: nasty women are tough, nasty women are smart, and nasty women vote. On November 8, we nasty women are gonna walk our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever.”

Warren continued to lambast Trump for his derogatory rhetoric against “fat pigs and bimbos” while objectively rating women. She also tossed in “a mouthful of tictacs” insult in reference to Trump’s 2005 hot-mic lewd commentary with Billy Bush. As Warren tore into the Republican presidential nominee from the podium, Clinton sat gleefully by, laughing and clapping her hands.

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