On Tuesday, President Obama‘s gun-control press conference ended in tears over the children of Newtown, Connecticut. The Sandy Hook shooting victims have weighed heavily on Obama’s mind, and he called out the Republicans who shut down his 2013 proposed measures. So, Obama’s doing it his way without waiting for Congress to (likely) shut him down again. His weeping appeared to be mixed in both sorrow and relief, but some folks inevitably spoke of “crocodile tears.”
A few of these nonbelievers happen to work at Fox News, and they unloaded on the president. In this video, Andrea Tantaros says Obama must have used a “raw onion” to make himself cry over dead children:
“This is how many years? Almost eight years, he’s almost at the end of his term. And you haven’t heard him go to Chicago and really speak out about this issue. So, I would check that podium for like a raw onion or some No More Tears. It’s not really believable. And the award goes to … we are in awards season.”
Meghan McCain didn’t argue and she called Obama’s tears “horribly authentic.” McCain said Obama should “go to your hometown of Chicago.” Then Melissa Francis stepped up to assert the “bad political theater” of Obama crying over children instead of ISIS, but maybe he’s merely a cool dude:
“They say he’s just cool, that’s the way he is, that he doesn’t get emotional. We haven’t seen this in a very long time and it’s about something that feels political, that feels somewhat insincere, that feels like it’s not going to make a huge difference.”
While it’s true that Obama hasn’t openly wept like this until now, he almost did so in 2012 over the Sandy Hook massacre. In fact, he’s seen “too many” mass shootings and delivered matching speeches for all. This would make anyone cry.
(Via Raw Story)