On Christmas Day, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus awoke from a presumably peaceful slumber and spread a message to the politically engaged Internet masses. Priebus, who will begin 2017 with a new gig (as Donald Trump’s chief of staff) likely did not realize the furor that would be spawned by his statement. Here’s the relevant excerpt:
“Over two millennia ago, a new hope was born into the world, a Savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind. Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King. We hope Americans celebrating Christmas today will enjoy a day of festivities and a renewed closeness with family and friends.”
Well, some folks didn’t appreciate the phrasing here. They equated the fact that Republicans mentioned the arrival of a “new King” with the party’s recent presidential victory, which led to their conclusion that the GOP was talking about Trump. And then Twitter erupted like this…
OMFG. https://t.co/XjJsaCc2o6 pic.twitter.com/Ng725lrY2m
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) December 25, 2016
The RNC compares New King Trump to Jesus, but I don't get the impression that Jesus was a sociopath, a con artist, or a pathological liar
— Peter Grinspoon, M.D. (@Peter_Grinspoon) December 25, 2016
Trump to Jesus. New King Trump. At least it's out in the open now. Wait until the new saviour takes power and installs his throne in the WH
— Steve Redmond (@sjredmond) December 25, 2016
GOP comparing Trump to Jesus is laughable. I'd love to read the Bible passage where Jesus said, "Let us grab women by the genitals."
— Julia Fortney (@JuliaFortney) December 25, 2016
The @GOP is comparing Trump to Jesus and calls him our "new King" because delusion and terror don't take a break for Christmas
— Ryan Rosenblatt (@RyanRosenblatt) December 25, 2016
.@gop today compared Trump to Jesus
Jesus can turn blood into wine
Trump can't even turn businesses into profits
— Trump owes $$$$$$$$$ (@jonathanjewel) December 25, 2016
Trump to Jesus: Only in the delusional, bizarro world of the GOP is a wealthy, serial lying con-man compared to a poor, honest carpenter.
— Bill Madden (@maddenifico) December 25, 2016
comparing Trump to Jesus is ridiculous, Jesus never had a plane with his name on it
— follow @realtdx (@Teridax) December 25, 2016
This imagining of the impending cleanup by Team Trump is admittedly hilarious because it’s been true for other kerfuffles.
REINCE: We weren't calling Trump the New King.
CONWAY: Don't be silly.
TRUMP: I am the New King!
REINCE & CONWAY: Uh, that's what we meant!— Daniel Radosh (@danielradosh) December 25, 2016
However, incoming Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer (boy, does he have his work cut out for him) told everyone to simmer down, for this was only a reference to the actual Jesus. Spicer wasn’t alone in his view.
Christ is the King. He was born today so we could be saved. Its sad & disappointing you are politicizing such a holy day. https://t.co/NEOkLNd1Mz
— Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) December 25, 2016
Keith Olbermann was still incensed and demanded an apology to Christians.
The phrase @gop @reince used was "NEW King," you mendacious clown. Your statement indicates you have replaced Christ. #ApologizeToChristians https://t.co/LKiIgQffjR
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) December 25, 2016
Finally, one person recognized this giant mess as a sign that 2016 needs to be put out of its misery once and for all.
When you wake up to George Michael dying and Donald Trump being declared the New King, you know 2016 is drunk and needs to go to bed.
— Mike Cullen (@MikeCullen73) December 26, 2016
(Via GOP.com)