Wednesday was day five of Donald Trump‘s presidency, and he is already making a huge sweep of executive orders, including many that directly impact immigration. On top of taking the first steps towards building a Mexican border wall (which Paul Ryan admitted that Americans will be paying for, despite what Trump claims), they will also be moving forward with the order “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States,” which will target “removable aliens” (those here either without papers or whose visas have expired) and cut funding to sanctuary cities. According to Quartz, the order will not only apply to immigrants who are here illegally, but also those who “in the judgment of an immigration officer, otherwise pose a risk to public safety or national security.”
In another turn of events, Trump also claimed that the Secretary of Homeland Security would also be releasing a list of crimes perpetrated by immigrants every week, saying,
To better inform the public regarding the public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions, the Secretary shall utilize the Declined Detainer Outcome Report or its equivalent and, on a weekly basis, make public a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens and any jurisdiction that ignored or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens.
It has yet to be determined whether or not they mean illegal immigrants or every immigrant. Either way, this has shades of Breitbart’s “black crime section” all over it, showing us yet again who has been elected into the White House.
(Via Quartz)