Donald Trump’s yuge day has arrived, and you can watch his Inauguration Day here (^^^) when festivities begin. Our live stream shall cover the guaranteed must-watch moments — his swearing-in ceremony that’s scheduled to happen at 12:01pm and his address (which he claims to have written himself while posing for a fancy photo) — plus whatever else goes down after the fact. And there shall be plenty of followup moments to be found.
Whether or not you voted for Trump, there’s a good chance that you were stunned by his election victory. Hell, even he seemed shocked, but reality has set for America, and there’s a new Republican leader in town. While millions of people will miss cool cat Barack Obama, the next four or eight years will be completely different than what we’ve ever seen. That’s an undeniable fact, although no one can predict for sure what the future holds for America. The GOP controls the executive and legislative branches now, and they’re about to get serious.
Stick around, watch a president-elect shake off the “-elect” and show the world how a reality star claims his ultimate role. How did we get here? That’s a good question, but an even better one is what will happen next. Thanks for tuning in with us, and be sure to watch our coverage of the day’s events.
Here’s another viewpoint from outside the House House.