Here are your quick and dirty, editorial-free All Elite Wrestling Double Or Nothing results. The first show under the AEW banner featured Kenny Omega vs. Chris Jericho in a Wrestle Kingdom rematch, Cody (Rhodes) vs. Dustin (Also Rhodes), and more.
The Buy In:
1. ‘Hangman’ Adam Page won the Casino Battle Royale. The final four were Adam Page, MJF, Luchasaurus, and Jimmy Havoc. Luchasaurus eliminated Havoc with a big boot. Page pulled down the ropes to eliminate Luchasaurus. MJF tried to sneak up and eliminate Page from behind, but Page recovered, hit a clothesline, and tossed MJF to win the match. Page will move on to face the winner of Jericho vs. Omega in AEW’s first World Championship match.
– Peter Avalon and Leva Bates shushed each other about who is or isn’t The Librarian.
2. Kip Sabian defeated Sammy Guevara. Sabian blocked a 630 senton with his knees, then hit his “Deathly Hallows” finisher to win the match.
AEW Double Or Nothing Results:
3. SCU (Christopher Daniels, Scorpio Sky, and Kazarian) vs. #STRONGHEARTS (CIMA, T-Hawk, and El Lindaman). Daniels pinned Lindaman after a Best Meltzer Ever moonsault/Tombstone combination.
4. Britt Baker defeated Nyla Rose, Kylie Rae, and Awesome Kong. Brandi Rhodes added Kong before the match, saying she wanted the match to be “awesome.”
5. Best Friends (Trent and Chuckie T) defeated Jack Evans and Angelico. After the match, the Super Smash Bros. appeared and attacked both teams.
– “All Out,” a sequel to All In, was announced in Chicago for Saturday, August 31.
#AEWALLOUT Tickets on sale June 14th
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) May 26, 2019
6. Hikaru Shida, Riho Abe, and Ryo Mizunami defeated Aja Kong, Yuka Sakazaki, and Emi Sakura. Shida won the match for her team with a running knee strike on Sakura.
7. Cody defeated Dustin Rhodes. Cody used a sledgehammer to destroy a Triple H throne during his entrance. Dustin bled a ton during a long, back-and-forth match. Cody hit a Vertebreaker, but wouldn’t let the referee count Dustin out for 10. Cody then hit Crossrhodes to win the match. Afterward, Cody told Dustin that he “doesn’t get to retire here” because he’s signed to face the Young Bucks, and needs his older brother by his side. The two hugged.

– Bret Hart showed up to unveil the AEW World Championship, but was interrupted by MJF. Jungle Boy, Jimmy Havoc, and Adam Page beat up MJF and tossed him into the crowd, allowing Bret to show off the belt.

8. The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) defeated Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix). The Bucks won the match with a Meltzer Driver on Fenix.
9. Chris Jericho defeated Kenny Omega. Jericho pinned Omega after the “Judas Effect,” a running back elbow strike. Jericho will next face Adam Page to crown the first AEW World Champion. After the match, Jericho cut a promo taking credit for all of AEW’s success. Jon Moxley, the former Dean Ambrose, hit the ring and attacked Jericho and the referee. He then tried to attack Omega, but Omega fought back, and the two brawled. They fought to the stage, and Moxley hit a DDT on Omega on top of the giant poker chips. Watch here.