Apollo Crews Is The Latest WWE Star To Suffer A Sudden Name Change


We hope you weren’t too attached to that “Crews can’t lose” catchphrase from Titus Worldwide. As you can see above, via his official WWE.com bio, Raw’s Apollo Crews has lost his last name and is now simply known as “Apollo.”

This is a right of passage we’ve come to expect from our favorite up-and-coming WWE stars, from (Antonio) Cesaro and Big E (Langston) to (Alexander) Rusev and (Adrian) Neville. The most recent change before this one saw Elias Samson become “Elias” last summer. These name changes are generally fine, if awkward at first, but it continues to be crazy that WWE thinks you can’t have a first name and a last name and be called one of them. They also hate pronouns, though, so what do we know?

Apollo (real name Sesugh Uhaa) spent the first half of his career on the independent scene as Uhaa Nation, before becoming “Apollo Crews” in NXT in August of 2015. We wouldn’t be surprised if Titus O’Neil, Dana Brooke and Akira Tozawa become “Titus,” “Dana” and “Tozawa” soon as well. I mean, if WWE remembers Tozawa’s supposed to be part of that faction.

RIP to “Crews can’t lose.” We welcome its assumed replacement, “You can’t follow Apollo.”