Chris Jericho Agrees With WWE That Jimmy Jacobs Screwed Up

The firing of Jimmy Jacobs by WWE was a big story last week because it sounds ridiculous that they would terminate a writer over posting a photo on social media with members of the Ring of Honor/New Japan “Bullet Club” group. Jacobs has moved on by appearing at ROH shows, and he’s shilling his “Unprofessional” shirt on Twitter as well.

Chris Jericho has spoken fondly about Jacobs (real name Chris Scoville) in that past and credited Jacobs with coming up with the popular “List of Jericho” gimmick that caused such a big crowd reaction in 2016 and this year.

Jericho was recently interviewed by Metal Injection regarding his musical work with his band Fozzy and the subject of Jacobs’ firing came up, so Jericho chimed in because we know he’s not shy about giving his opinion on wrestling related topics. Thanks to PWTorch for the transcription.

Here’s Jericho talking about how he understands why WWE would fire him over the photo Jacobs posted:

“Jimmy’s good, and if I was there I would’ve tried to help him out, but it’s not the smartest of moves. If I work at McDonalds and post a picture of me hanging out with guys from Wendy’s and hashtag ‘Wendy’s is great,’ McDonalds might not be too happy about it …

“I think Jimmy’s a smart guy and maybe wouldn’t surprise me if he knew something was going to happen. Maybe he was getting sick of it, I don’t know. I just know as soon as I saw that picture, I was just like ‘ooof,’ with the hashtag ‘#BCInvasion,’ you can’t do that man. I mean, you can’t. Was it a fireable offense? Well, it’s not my decision; obviously Vince thought it was, which tells me there was probably some other stuff going on and that was the final straw. ”

Good point by Jericho. There may have been more to the story and Jacobs may have been unhappy as a writer in WWE for the past two years. I think part of the reason for the anger on WWE’s part is that the Bullet Club guys were out there in the parking lot at a WWE event in Ontario, California causing a distraction and Jacobs should have known better than to go outside to take a photo with them at that time. Even if you do take the photo, don’t post it on social media. Keep it private.

Jericho praised Jacobs for his writing ability and how Jericho specifically sought him out when coming up with his entertaining promos.

“And I will say this, last year, 2016, Jimmy Jacobs was my co-writer on all of it. All of it! And the weeks he wasn’t there I was like ‘Ah f—, I don’t like this, I want Jimmy.’ So he’s very talented, and he really got me. I worked with him a few times and I went to [head writer] Dave Kapoor, I want Scoville, which is his real name, Chris Scoville, on every Jericho promo. No one else. Because that’s how much I trusted his talent, his instincts.”

It’s an unfortunate situation, but at least we can thank Jacobs and Jericho for “The List” because it helped to save Raw many times when it was boring last year.